Sales Tax Holiday on Select Items Applies to Timeshare Vacationers but Not at Timeshares

This weekend marks an event Florida residents and vacationers appreciate each year. From Friday through Sunday at midnight, no sales taxes are collected on the sales of select items under the Back-to-School Sales tax holiday.

Not only does the event cover much more than notebooks and rulers, but it applies to all sales in the state of Florida, whether made by residents or vacationers. However here is one important caveat to the tax holiday: it does not apply to purchases made at theme parks, airports, entertainment complexes, hotels, timeshares or motels.

Included in the Florida Sales Tax Holiday

The sale tax holiday applies to shoes, clothes and items that can be considered school supplies. The clothing exemption covers items that sell for $75 or less, and does not include such things as watches, jewelry or sport equipment like skates or skis… although it does include bowling and golf shoes.

The school supplies exemption covers notebooks, paper, pens, pencils, markers, scissors, glue—the realm of traditional school supplies, along with lunchboxes, computer disks and calculators. It does not apply to any item selling for more than $15.

Although timeshare vacationers and tourists probably don’t plan on buying their children’s back to school wardrobes and school supplies while on holiday (although a tax exemption makes it appealing), many people love to pick up clothing, bathing suits, hats, caps, golf apparel and other items, which are covered by the exemption.

For more information on the sales tax holiday, visit the Florida Department of Revenue website at and the list of exempted items.