Congratulations to Grand Pacific Resort Timeshare Management
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Congratulations to Grand Pacific Resort Management (GPRM) for bringing home three Gold Awards, 13 Silver Awards and one ACE Award at ARDA World 2012’s ARDY Award presentations earlier this month in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Grand Pacific Resort Management, based in Carlsbad, is one of the oldest and largest timeshare vacation ownership companies based in California. Each year GPRM serves more than 50,000 timeshare owner families, at the fifteen timeshare resorts the company has developed and now manages.
Nigel Lobo, Vice President of Operations/Grand Pacific Resort Management, says, “These awards are a testament to our passion for excellence and unique service culture. We won Silver awards across the board, representing most of the Resort Operations categories for the ARDYs. Our Gold Awards were also won in highly competitive areas of resort management and owner services. We are proud to have so many committed team members who have been recognized by the industry.”
Timeshare resorts currently managed by GPRM include, these beautiful resorts:
Grand Pacific Palisades Resort & Hotel
Red Wolf Lodge at Squaw Valley
Southern California Beach Club
Villa L’Auberge (Del Mar, CA)
Mountain Retreat (Arnold, CA)
Ali’i Kai Resort in Hawaii
Hilton Grand Vacations Club at MarBrisa
and Panorama Vacation Retreat at Horsethief Lodge in British Columbia, Canada.
Follow any of the links above to learn more about timeshare resales and timeshare rentals at these GPRM managed resorts and other top vacation destinations.