Disney Vacation Club Helps Animals Impacted by Hurricane Dorian in The Bahamas
Friday, October 11, 2019
After Hurricane Dorian, 83 dogs and one cat rescued from The Bahamas were brought to H.A.L.O No-Kill Rescue animal shelter in Sebastian, Florida. Falling in desperate need for linens, Disney Vacation Club property, Disney’s Vero Beach Resort, answered the call and donated 600 pieces of linen to the shelter.
Disney VoluntEARS from Disney’s Vero Beach Resort delivered blankets, sheets, and towels to the nearby shelter and gave some TLC to some of the adorable dogs during their visit.
Once Hurricane Dorian passed, the Humane Society of Grand Bahama had no food or medical supplies to care for the animals. H.A.L.O. stepped in and formed a plan to rescue the animals and bring them to Florida.
H.A.L.O.’s Director of Development Allyson Bootes, commented on how thrilled she was when she found out Disney Vacation Club was willing and able to help them:
“We are so appreciative of the linen donation and the help we received from the Cast Members down the road at Disney’s Vero Beach Resort. We were in a critical period of need after the hurricane, and this support could not have come at a better time!”
The linen donations were crucial to the shelter for them to be able to properly care for the dogs—especially since the bedding used during the 14-day quarantine period had to be thrown out to prevent the spread of disease.
This is just one of the ways that the Disney Vacation Club and the Disney brand have been able to help those impacted by Hurricane Dorian. Other efforts include: the Disney Cruise Line committing $1 million to non-profit relief agencies to help hurricane relief and recovery efforts in The Bahamas; donations of food, water, medical supplies, cleaning supplies, generators, and construction materials; the Disney Cruise Line supporting its Bahamian-based Crew Members that reside in impacted areas.
So far, Disney has been able to provide $500,000 in supplies for their communities and direct aid to its employees. Learn more about Disney Vacation Club on their website.