Recognition for Sell My Timeshare NOW
Monday, July 23, 2007
I don’t brag as much as I should about the accomplishments of the great group of people with whom I work. On July 23, when Fosters Online carried a story about our fast-growing timeshare company, Sell My Timeshare NOW, I was reminded that readers of our Timeshare Owners Blog might also like to hear a little more about the efforts of this hard working team.
As you may have read here before, our company started in a very small way—the spare bedroom at my house. Over the last four years, we have grown tremendously. We are now one of the most visited timeshare resale and timeshare rental sites on the internet.
Sell My Timeshare NOW advertises and markets timeshares for sale or for rent by the people who currently own them. Every single day—every single minute—people from all over the world visit the Sell My Timeshare NOW website. They either want to sell or rent their timeshare or they are interested in taking advantage of the great opportunities in timeshare resales and rentals. Many of our website guests come to the site because they have realized that timesharing enables them to become vacation property owners without the individual hassles and expenses that go with sole property ownership.
We have an incredible staff at our company. They make our clients and customers feel welcome, wanted, and valued. They are not acting when they do this; they genuinely care about the people we serve. We have some amazing technology gurus on our staff, too. They are driven to make our online services the best and most effective in the industry.
And then, there are all those employees at our company who fill all the roles that hold us together, keep us humming along, and make working at Sell My Timeshare NOW easier, more productive, and truly pleasant.
To every one of you, I tip my hat. You are talented, hard working, and together, you have made this the fastest growing timeshare advertising and marketing company in the industry. Salude!