Timeshare Owners Attention: More Information on 3 Very Important Events
Saturday, September 19, 2009
The National Timeshare Owners Association (NTOA) announces three noteworthy Timeshare Owners Meetings.
- Sunday, October 4, 2009 Cherry Hill, New Jersey
- Sunday October 18, 2009, Orange County, California
- Sunday, October 18, 2009 Venice, Florida
The NTOA meetings will include an important update on the RCI lawsuit coming up November 30. This lawsuit affects every RCI member. Get the facts and make your opinions heard. The NTOA will have representation at all the RCI hearings.
Featured speakers will include the following timeshare industry experts, however not all speakers may be present at each location:
- Shep Aslshuler: Publisher of TimeSharing Today magazine and TimeSharing Express, will speak on topics of great concern to NTOAmembers and timeshare owners, including the importance of reading your timeshare documents and assessments.
- Woody Cary: President of Tri Com Management Co. who will speak on what you should expect from your management companies.
- Lisa Ann Schreier: author of “Surviving a Timeshare Presentation” and “Timeshare Vacation for Dummies’ which every timeshare owner should read. Available thru NTOA.
- Sandra Herrejon: of Platinum Interchange who will speak on how to make an exchange without paying a membership fee and more.
- Ed Hastry: founder and president of the National Timeshare Owners Association
I will also be among the featured speakers, and I really looking forward to this opportunity to share and exchange information with timeshare owners. These educational conferences are always extremely beneficial for everyone who attends.
Bring your questions, problems, struggles, and dilemmas, because this team of experts is committed to sending you home with the empowering information you need, to get the most out of your timeshare experience.
To find out more about the meetings and the benefits of becoming an NTOA member, go to: www.nationaltimeshareownersassoc.com