Two Timeshare Industry Leaders Team Up
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Perspective Magazine joins impressive list as corporate sponsor for Women in the Industry (WIN).
We write frequently about the movers and shakers at WIN, the non-profit association that educates, advocates, and connects women in the vacation and timeshare industry. Today, The Timeshare Authority is updating you on WIN’s new corporate sponsor, Perspective Magazine.
Sharon Mattimoe, publisher of Perspective Magazine, explains, “I’ve been an individual supporter of Women in the Industry since its inception at ARDA nearly two years ago, and whilst we have given WIN exposure in the past in our Global publication, now that we have a dedicated North America version and are heavily involved in the US marketplace, we felt it was time to get on board officially and provide ongoing support and additional media exposure for WIN. We plan on doing all we can to get the word out and encourage membership enrollment.”
Watch for women of WIN at the American Resort and Development Association (ARDA) Convention in Las Vegas on March 16, where they will be hosting their annual networking event. You can find out more about WIN and how you can become a corporate sponsor by contacting: Lani Kane-Hanan at 407-513-6634 or Cathy Backus at 858-344-2139.