Looking Inside the Timeshare Industry
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Want to know which way the timeshare industry is going? Strategies and visions for the future? Interesting info about timeshare trends?
You don’t have to be an industrial spy to obtain this information; it’s available for you on ARDA’s website (American Resort Developers Association). Following this year’s ARDA Convention and Exhibition in Las Vegas, where the timeshare industry comes together to plan, share, and network, ARDA has posted handouts from many of its educational sessions.
The Timeshare Authority blog will be bringing you some of the highlights from ARDA’s educational handouts, but this wealth of data that is available for anyone to download, if you want to check it out for yourself.
For example, here’s a profile on European timeshares and European timeshare owners that is available in the reports.
European Timeshare, (all data based on 2007 findings)
Source: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY of “The European Timeshare Industry 2008”; Market Characteristics & Economic Impacts. Authors: The Christel DeHaan Tourism and Travel Research Institute, University of Nottingham, UK
- 1.5 million European households own timeshare, with the UK and Ireland having the largest base of timeshare owners.
- Most timeshare resorts are in Spain, with 26.3 percent of all resorts, 14.94 percent in Italy, and 11.05 percent in the UK and Ireland. The total number of European timeshares is 1,312.
- European timeshare generates € 3.2 billion of expenditure.
- European timeshare owners spent € 1.6 billion during their timeshare vacations.
- European timeshare owners spent € 957 million to buy timeshare.
- The average expenditure in 2007 per timeshare vacation was € 1,588.
- 69,836 jobs are directly sustained by the European timeshare industry.
- 86.6 percent of the European timeshare owners reported satisfaction with their timeshare holiday, while 55.6 percent say they were very satisfied!