Oyster Bay Beach Resort Purchases Coral Beach Club
Wednesday, February 22, 2017
The owner of Oyster Bay Beach Resort (OBBR) recently acquired Buck International, Ltd. Pearl Development will be operating the Coral Beach Club, one of Buck International’s neighboring properties as an exclusive, upscale waterfront hotel with vacation residences presenting weekly and fractional ownership.
Pearl will be offering ownership to the public and to Oyster Bay Beach Resort owners interested in upgrading their ownership for more luxurious accommodations.
The acquisition, made for an undisclosed amount, was spearheaded by Pearl Development Executive VP and General Counsel Mike Dolente.
“While enjoying the resort feel, Coral Beach Club provides the highest in quality residences—right on Dawn Beach and Oyster Pond,” said Dolente. “The affiliation of the upscale resort will enhance the opportunities for our OBBR owners to trade-up to even more luxurious and more private vacation homes.”
The acquisition brings little change to the operation of Coral Beach Club. The resort will maintain personnel and other operational considerations, and will complement the services and facilities at Oyster Bay Beach Resort. It will, however, maintain a separate and distinct community and identity for its owners and guests. Oyster Bay Beach Resort will offer great amenities and services for the Coral Beach Club owners and guests including 24-hour management and augmented security.
Eleven units have been purchased; six on the beach front, four facing the marina, and one doubles as an apartment as well as an office and reception centre. The oceanfront resorts are three- or four-bedroom villas featuring views of Dawn Beach and Oyster Pond Marina. Amenities for these units include a private pool, a marble pool deck, and a private walk to the beach. Four of the units are two-bedroom, waterside townhouses with views of the three marinas on the Oyster Pond. Owners of the townhouses also offer access to a semi-private central swimming pool overlooking the Oyster Pond.
The acquisition also included the purchase of a spacious second-floor, two-bedroom apartment with ocean views and a walkway to the beach.
Learn more about Oyster Bay Beach Resort and Coral Beach Club ownership.