New Year’s Resolutions Include Saving Money with a Timeshare Resale or Timeshare Rental

Arthur Frommer is known worldwide as the grandfather of travel guidebooks for the budget-conscious, and these days, doesn’t that description apply to most of us? Since the 1950’s. Frommer’s guidebooks have been the go-to resource for smart travelers, starting with his now legendary, Europe on 5 Dollars a Day, published in 1957.

Frommer’s New Year’s resolutions for 2008 include the following economical, environmentally correct, or just plain logical commitments:

  • Limit myself to carry-ons, and never check a single bag.
  • Carry sandwiches from home, and never bite into a single airline snack.
  • Use public transportation from airport into town.
  • Never book a connecting flight. If there’s no non-stop to my destination, I won’t go there (with some exceptions).
  • Share courses with my wife, ordering a single main plate for the two of us.
  • Stop patronizing “duty-free” shops.
  • Never book an uncomfortable “boutique hotel” designed by a famous fashionista.
  • Never use a credit card that doesn’t earn frequent flyer mileage.
  • Never board a cruise ship carrying more than 700 passengers, and
  • Remain calm and unperturbed by refusing to read the travel section of the New York Times.

This is all such good advice, I only wish Frommer had added a couple more equally worthwhile resolutions:

  • Never book a hotel room when I can stay for less in a timeshare rental.
  • Never stay in timeshare rentals leased from the timeshare resort or management company when I can rent timeshare directly from the timeshare owner at a much better rate.
  • Stop spending money on hotel rooms when it makes so much more sense to buy timeshare, and
  • Buy timeshare resales from the individual owner, not the timeshare development company.

It’s a brand new year and I can’t think of a better time to say, “Hey, I am tired of spending more money than I have to for great vacations and travel.” Think timeshare. There is a reason that “share” is part of the word; timeshare resales and timeshare rentals truly let you share the cost of vacation accommodations with others, and yet still enjoy the luxury and privacy of a beautiful resort vacation or holiday.

Visit Sell My Timeshare NOW to learn more about the opportunities for timeshare resales and timeshare rentals.