Travel Channel Reports on Time-Shares
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Travel writer Terry Ward has written an excellent article for the Travel Channel. She writes about the way timesharing has changed in recent years and explains a lot about why buying time-shares makes such good vacation sense.
In the article (titled, “Vacation Time-Shares, See More Places, Save More Money,”) Ward says, “Your benefit as a buyer comes not in the property’s appreciating value over time, but in the fact that every year, for a rate that’s fixed when you buy in, you are guaranteed a week or more of vacation time in pretty much your choice of destinations.”
As one of her sources, the writer quotes Kim Kavin, author of The Everything Family Guide to Timeshare, a timeshare book that is especially helpful to new and prospective timeshare buyers. Kavin says, “When you buy a time-share unit, you are essentially buying a financial hedge against vacation inflation, or the rising cost of hotel rooms.”
But Ward wisely doesn’t limit her focus to the purchase of new timeshares only. Instead, she directs much of her article to looking at timeshare resales, and for that information, she turned to Sell My Timeshare NOW.
Buying Timeshares Can be Smart; Buying Resales Timeshares Can be Brilliant
The article advises timeshare buyers that they should understand that buying timeshare can come with “hidden costs.” Ward describes such costs in this way, “Be aware that in addition to the initial outlay of cash to purchase your time-share, you’ll also be responsible for annual maintenance fees ranging from roughly $200 to $600. Other hidden costs can include one-time fees for capital improvements, exchange company fees incurred when you exchange your week for another week, and conversion fees should you choose to convert your week into points for a cruise, airline miles and the like. For time-share owners who opt to finance their purchase, mortgage interest payments can also come into play.”
At Sell My Timeshare NOW, we like to think that such costs are never hidden; that we help timeshare buyers clearly understand what they are purchasing when they buy timeshare resales, so that expenses such as maintenance fees, or possible bills for capital improvements never catch them by surprise.
The Travel Channel article offers helpful information about timeshares and timeshare resales. Follow this link to read the full article, “Vacation Time-Shares, See More Places, Save More Money.” And for answers to all your questions about how to buy, rent, or sell timeshare, call the timeshare resales and timeshare rental specialists at Sell My Timeshare NOW. 877-815-4227, or internationally +1-603-516-0200.