Sell My Timeshare NOW and Owners Perspective Magazine Team Up
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
After a successful launch last July of the online edition of Owners Perspective Magazine, Perspective International Ltd, is ready to take their timeshare owners’ e-publication to print.
Starting in January, Owners Perspective Magazine will be available both as a free online edition in easy-to read, high quality, page-turn format and as a paid, print subscription version. Subscriptions to the timeshare publication, have already reached more than 9,600, and, when including exhibitions and other distribution channels, the circulation for the first January edition will exceed 20,000.
Targeting Timeshare Owners, Timeshare Buyers, and Prospective Buyers
Paul and Sharon Mattimoe, at Perspective International Ltd., already have a successful business-to-business timeshare publication in Perspective Magazine. Yet, rather than attempt to adapt Perspective Magazine to fill the needs of timeshare owners and prospective owners, they decided to launch a second publication to target the timeshare consumer and all the industries that support consumer timeshare and vacation needs.
Tomorrow’s The Timeshare Authority will include more information about the marketing outreach of Owners Perspective Magazine. Follow this link to read Sell My Timeshare NOW’s media release about our partnership with this fast growing timeshare publication.
Anyone interested in a free subscription to Owners Perspective Magazine (the online versions) can subscribe at: Pre ordering of print subscriptions is now available for the first print edition in January 2009.