Raintree Vacation Club Timeshare Says Business is Good – Maybe Even Great
Monday, February 2, 2009
The Houston, Texas-based timeshare company, Raintree Vacation Club, released news this week that they are not only acquiring additional properties and opening new resorts, they are breaking sales records!
With sales offices in Cancun, Los Cabos, and Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, Raintree is the largest independent, US-based vacation ownership company operating in Mexico. The company currently has twenty-one timeshare resorts, ten of which are Mexico timeshare. Raintree Resorts can also be found in the western US and in western Canada.
In December, Raintree opened timeshare resort number 20 in Villa Vera Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. Property number 21 came when Raintree Timeshares acquired the Phoenix resort previously known as Canyon View, currently under renovation.
According to the company’s president and CEO Doug Bech, the new Phoenix property represents “… over $100 million in future timeshare sales. It was acquired from Resort Funding, which is also providing an excellent working capital/receivables hypothecation line of credit for the consumer notes for both the Phoenix and Villa Vera Puerto Vallarta resorts. We will be rebranding this property quickly and begin operating it as a Raintree Resort.”
Raintree timeshares is pleased to be offering a new timeshare resort destination in Arizona, and enthusiastic about their relationship with Resort Funding, about whom Bech says, “… we believe we will have other future business.”
Clearly Raintree Resorts is Doing Things Right
You already know the situation for many timeshare companies and timeshare developers who are struggling to downsize and ride out the recession. Yet, Raintree is clearly doing things the right way. The company reported they were more than $8 million above sales, year-over-year for 2008.
Raintree Vacation Club is the exchange arm of Raintree Resorts, serving over 50,000 member/owners.