Timeshare Resorts Need to Make Recycling Available to Timeshare Owners and Timeshare Guests
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Over the past year, we have written a great deal about the “green” efforts at Marriott timeshare to reduce, recycle, and reuse at their administrative offices, timeshare sales centers, and timeshare resorts. And while they are not the only timeshare sales company or timeshare developer stepping up to this important responsibility, they are certainly setting a pace for exemplary environmental responsibility.
But a recent Letter to the Editor in Timesharing Today® makes the point that perhaps timeshare resorts are not doing as much as they could to help the environment. In a letter titled, “Need ‘recycling’ in Resort ratings” Joan Carr points out that recycling should perhaps be one of the areas for which a timeshare is rated by timeshare owners and timeshare guests. As she explains, “Everywhere we go, I always ask if the resort recycles. I have never come across one yet that does. We always had to go out of the resort to recycle.”
Excellent point. Timeshare vacationers need the opportunity to recycle at the timeshare resort. They may be on vacation but they haven’t taken a holiday from environmental responsibility. No timeshare owner or timeshare guest should have to spend part of his or her vacation time in search of a recycling station. And when you consider that timeshare vacationers, using travel-size containers and disposable products, possibly generate a higher quantity of waste for recycling than they would at home, recycling becomes an even more important issue for timeshare resorts.
Ms. Carr wants to make recycling a topic on timeshare report cards and she is right. Kudos to her for bringing up this point and to Timesharing Today for spreading the message!
Eye-Opening Facts about Recycling that Effect All of Us (From: Planet Green)
- 544,000: Trees saved if every household in the United States replaced just one roll of virgin fiber paper towels (70 sheets) with 100 percent recycled ones.
- 20 million: Tons of electronic waste thrown away each year. One ton of scrap from discarded computers contains more gold than can be produced from 17 tons of gold ore.
- 9 cubic yards: Amount of landfill space saved by recycling one ton of cardboard.
- 315 kg: Amount of carbon dioxide not released into the atmosphere each time a metric ton of glass is used to create new glass products.
Recycling opportunities for timeshare owners and timeshare guests will change when we all speak out about this. Tell your timeshare resort that you want to recycle! Discuss this with your timeshare home owners association.
Recycling not only helps save the planet, it saves money, too, and conserving cash is a type of “green” that’s on everyone’s radar these days.
Past news about timeshare developers and timeshare sales companies taking environmentally responsible actions:
- Three Marriott Timeshare Resorts Earn Special ‘Green’ Designation as Environmentally Conscious Resorts
- Part II: Marriott Timeshare Resorts Earn Special ‘Green’ Designation from State of Florida
- Part III: Marriott Timeshare Resorts Recognized by State of Florida with Green Lodging Program Designation
- A Timeshare Sales Company Taking an Important Environmental Stand
- Marriott Timeshare Is Turning Green