Pet Friendly Timeshares, Barking Up the Right Tree
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Yes, there are pet friendly timeshares and they certainly make vacationing or traveling easier and more enjoyable for pet lovers who hate to holiday without their favorite furry companions.
Although a pet friendly timeshare resale or timeshare rental is not right for all animals, (some pets don’t travel well no matter what you do) for pets that can handle the change and additional stimulation of traveling, taking your pet along can be both personally rewarding and a great savings, too. The cost of boarding a pet quickly adds up, as does a pet sitter, or the payback you know is coming when you impose on a friend to care for your animal(s) during your absence.
Taking your pet along for the vacation and enjoying the benefits of a pet friendly timeshare means you don’t have to worry about the care you pet is receiving back home. Some pet friendly timeshare resorts offer services such as pet walking or pet grooming. These special benefits may be provided on site at the timeshare resort, or in conjunction with a nearby business. Resorts may also provide pet perks, such as feeding dishes, beds, or doggie treats, however many pet owners find that their animals adjust more quickly if they bring along these types of familiar items from home.
Even with Pet Friendly Timeshares, You Should Plan Ahead
While a number of resorts offer pet friendly timeshare accommodations, not all timeshare units at these resorts are designated for pet owner use. This means, even when you are planning a vacation at a pet friendly timeshare resort, you should be sure to notify the resort in advance and confirm that they have a pet owner’s unit available for you.
A few other tips to keep in mind are:
- Bring along your pet’s favorite food if he or she is a picky eater. You don’t want to spend valuable timeshare vacation days searching grocery stores for a specific brand of pet food.
- Bring a recent photo of your pet with you when you travel. In the unfortunate circumstance that your pet should get lost, you do want to be able to post some quick “lost pet” flyers that include his or her image.
- Remember that your beloved pet can be a source of fear, anxiety, or allergy to other people and be respectful of “their space”.
- If you travel by car, keep your pet on a leash every time you open the door. Even a mellow pet may act differently under the stress of travel. An open car door can be interpreted as an invitation to run.
Following these few simple tips can make your vacation at a pet friendly timeshare more enjoyable for your family including your four-footed family members. And in case you’ve ever wondered if other pet owners are as devoted to their pets as you are, here’s some interesting statistics from Forbes Magazine online:
“According to the National Pet Owners Survey, about 71 million U.S. households, or 62 percent, owned at least one pet in 2008, up from just 56 percent in 1988, the first year the survey was conducted. Money lavished on pets has increased at a far faster clip, to an estimated $45 billion this year (more than a third of which goes to food), nearly double the $23 billion spent just a decade ago.”
For a list of pet friendly timeshare resorts, go to: