Timeshare Sales Have Taken an Unintentional Turn

As we all know, where you start out is not always where you wind up, which is exactly what seems to have happened to the timeshare sales and timeshare resales industry.

Once upon a time, (as all good stories begin) timeshare sales were made solely across a table. A timeshare sales representative met with a couple, spent typically several hours explaining the advantages of becoming a timeshare owner, perhaps taking them on a tour of a model timeshare unit, and then wrapped up the pitch, hoping to close the sale.

There is no point in arguing whether this is the best business model for selling timeshares because the simple fact is, this is the business model the industry chose. But that was all pre-internet.

Last summer, the online publication, Tracking Tourism: The Tourism Research Blog, ran an interesting post, filled with analytical observations about how the travel and tourism industries as a whole thrive and fail to thrive as internet based businesses.

The Changing Ways People Buy and Sell Timeshare

Here’s one of the many insightful takeaways from that post on The Tourism Research Blog: Travel and tourism rarely thinks of itself as an e-commerce or even an online business. After pure online retail, travel/tourism is the next biggest e-commerce revenue generator on the web. But unlike the online retailer who created a business purely focused on the web, many tourism businesses have evolved stealthily  into e-commerce businesses – so stealthily they may have barely noticed and do not have a rolling development strategy in place.” (source: http://blog.highlandbusinessresearch.com/2009/07/20/it-shouldnt-be-this-difficult/)

Timeshare companies often fall into the category of businesses that evolved into delivering online services (primarily in response to consumer demand) while failing to redefine their business brand in their own eyes or the eyes of consumers as online vendors. Because of this ‘identity crisis’ these companies may lack what they need in infrastructure, technology specialists, and other internal systems necessary to effectively serve the online consumer.

Sell My Timeshare NOW is a purpose-conceived and purpose-developed online timeshare resale and timeshare rental advertising and marketing company. We are not struggling to adapt our business to the changing ways consumers buy timeshare, sell timeshare, or rent timeshare; instead, we recognized the need, anticipated the changes and have been, from day one, offering the easiest and most reliable ways to handle your timeshare sales or timeshare rental transactions. E-commerce is not secondary or accidental at Sell My Timeshare NOW; it is what we were built to do best.