Wishing You a Happy Thanksgiving from The Timeshare Authority and SellMyTimeshareNOW

Being thankful for time shared together.On Thanksgiving Day, all of us at Sell My Timeshare NOW and The Timeshare Authority wish for you and your family the opportunity to have time to share together. Whether you spend it at home, with your friends or with other family members, there is nothing to be more thankful for than the gift of family. And for all of us, in our busy and demanding lives, it is easy to let time slip away, with our children growing up faster than we realize.

Share Time with Your Children

What parents mean in the lives of their children is so significantly much more than the role of providing a child with food, shelter and clothing. It’s not about the video games you buy them, the computers, or even that expensive sports equipment, although all of that can have a positive (and sometimes a negative) impact on a child.
Instead, research shows, that it all comes down to the cliché of “quality time”.

  1. Studies prove there is a direct correlation between a child’s academic success and the length and frequency of time that child spends interacting with his or her mother.
  2. Children who spend time with their fathers doing activities in and around the home have been shown to have better academic performance than children who do not.
  3. When parents are involved in the lives of their teens, the adolescent tends to exhibit fewer behavioral problems. Involvement also increases the likelihood of a parent having a realistic awareness of a child’s social group and peers.

So on this Thanksgiving Day, worry less about the turkey and spend fewer hours watching all those football games. Be thankful for your children, your parents and all the blessings of family and time shared together.

Sell My Timeshare NOW wishes you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving.

Photo credit: Sarah Brucker