Interval International Timeshare Exchange Honored for Engagement Campaign
Friday, December 3, 2010
Interval International, a global leader in timeshare exchange and vacation ownership services, offered a very special promotion called “Finders Keepers.” Not only was the program a great success with Interval International timeshare exchange members, but it earned the company the prestigious Gold Adrian Award.
The award, presented at the Hospitality Sales & Marketing Association International’s global travel marketing competition, recognized II for excelling in the digital marketing category. Receipt of the Gold Adrian Award in the 54th annual competition makes the Finders Keepers campaign now a finalist for a Platinum Adrian Award, one of HSMAI’s highest honors.
What Made Finders Keepers so Popular with Timeshare Exchange Members?
Internal International developed Finders Keepers with a goal of enhancing engagement with its member families, currently nearly 2 million in number. During a ten-day period, II daily offered five $1 Getaways in the form of discounted timeshare rental weeks. At the end of the ten-day promotion, 50 Interval International timeshare exchange members found themselves to be “finders” of Getaway Vacations they could enjoy (“keep”) at selected resorts worldwide. Destinations and check-in dates varied and the accommodations were offered at random times throughout each day without prior notification of the details.
Congratulations to Internal International for winning the Gold Adrian Award and kudos to them for working hard to build the reputation and image of timeshares and timeshare ownership. Interval International has a long and respected history of demonstrating their commitment both to timeshare owners and the industry as a whole.