WIN Timeshare Event in Orlando was a Huge Success
Thursday, February 10, 2011
January 28-29, 2011, WIN held its Orlando regional event at The Marriott Learning Center. The educational and networking opportunity was, once again, a huge success with a standing room only crowd in attendance.WIN kicked off the event with a Friday evening reception at The Fountains. From 9AM to 2PM, there were Saturday conference sessions on topics including diversity, WIN’s philanthropic direction and a presentation by Dr. Pat Heim called: “In The Company of Women.”
WIN—Women in the Industry—was founded three years to advocate for and support the needs of women in the vacation industry, including vacation ownership and timeshare. This non-profit organization provides venues for women in the timeshare industry to learn, network, mentor and share. Just as importantly, WIN supports charitable causes .
One of WIN’s special efforts goes into their annual auction. This year’s WIN 2011 Travel Auction began on January 31, 2011 and ran through Feb 7, 2011, with proceeds raised going to support Girls Inc., Foundation for Foster Care, and Christel House.
As Marge Lennon, founder of Lennon Communications and past editor of the WIN newsletter says,
“At the evening cocktail party, hosted at Bluegreen’s Fountains Resort, the air sizzled with excitement as professional women came together to network and learn. Various corporate sponsors provided delicious finger food and liquid libations. The ladies represented all facets of the timeshare industry and were mainly from the Orlando area, although some came from as far away as Boca Raton and Fort Myers. Attendees included HR specialists, marketing mavens, PR scribes, interior designers, consultants, title companies, accountants, and attorneys, assistants to CEOs and representatives from ARDA. Many guests and seminar leaders were from Hilton, Bluegreen, and Marriott. There was also a mini-boutique with donations of jewelry, handbags, and scarves provided by WIN members, who purchased the items, raising more than $850 for WIN’s philanthropic projects. Even after the cocktail party ended, many ladies remained to visit, enjoying “girl talk” and sharing industry news.
Although it wasn’t a rock concert, the Saturday educational session was a Standing Room Only event, with every seat taken! We learned that diversity means much more than color and includes race, gender, age, religion, age, ethnicity, and sexual orientation. We learned how to improve diversity in the workplace. A senior marketing person from Disney wowed the audience with her personal story of moving up the corporate ladder. The afternoon event featured a video and discussion about women in the workplace and had everyone glued to their seats, followed by a lively discussion.
It was the second WIN event of its kind in Orlando with almost double the number of attendees from the previous year.”
On Timeshare Talk with Dave Thackeray
But don’t just read about the accomplishments and opportunities of WIN here on The Timeshare Authority blog. Follow this link to RCIVentures to listen to two of our favorite people: Dave Thackeray interviewing Georgi Bohrod, owner of GBG & Associates Inc, and founding board member of WIN.
To learn more about WIN visit their website or email them at [email protected] or call (561) 912-8031.