Fractional Summit Europe 2012 is Almost Here
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Even though the start of Fractional Summit Europe 2012 is only a few weeks away (February 27 and 28), you still have time to sign up and be part of this unique event.
Known as Europe’s “biggest and best b2b conference for the fractional ownership real estate industry,” Fractional Summit Europe offers the timeshare and fractional ownership industries an opportunity to learn, network, and focus. The summit always covers the hot issues affecting shared ownership real estate today.
Fractional Summit Europe
Now in its fifth year, Fractional Summit Europe, has both gained momentum and refined its agenda. Some of the scheduled sessions include:
- Trends in residential resort development.
- Constructing an HOA budget.
- Developer and buyer financing.
- Recruiting, retaining and developing your staff.
- Resort management COM.
- Technology in the sales process.
- And much more…
Follow this link to view the schedule for Fractional Summit Europe 2012. To book your attendance:
For additional information you may contact: [email protected] or call +44 (0)20 8340 7989
More about Fractionals
You often hear it asked, aren’t fractionals just another form of timeshare? The answer to this is both yes and no. Both fractional ownership and timeshare are types of shared ownership. Yet typically, where timeshare ownership only involves one, two, or perhaps three weeks at a vacation resort, fractional properties are owned in larger blocks of time. Many fractionals are divided into 8-weeks of annual use ownership, and some may even involve periods as long as 12 weeks.
Not only are the ownership intervals greater for fractionals than they are for traditional timeshares, but the style of the properties are different. Often, fractionals are actually private homes–luxurious private homes. Sometimes, fractionals are condo-style, but again their level of luxury is always extremely high.