Timeshare Social Media Forum at ARDA 2012
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Last Monday, April 2, on the kick-off day of ARDA World 2012, we sat on a panel called, “Call to Action: The Pay Off for Reputation Building through Social Media.”
Along with Phil Brojan of RCI; Lou Ann Burney of ARDA; Wendy Poe, of the Bluegreen Corporation; and Keith Strickland of Holiday Inn Club Vacations, we took a serious look at how the timeshare industry is (and isn’t) making use of social media. As ARDA’s introductory material explained, leading into the forum:
Is the timeshare industry being left behind in social media? Retail, travel, and hospitality brands are mastering the art of using social media to enhance brand perception and awareness, engage consumers with compelling content, and convert that engagement into revenue. Are we missing the boat? Over 85% of timeshare owners consistently give a “thumbs up” on their timeshare experience, so why do all the negative naysayers own the social media waves?
Timeshare Owners and Social Media
For timeshares, naysayers are a serious issue. The voice of a small percentage of unhappy owners—including critics who have never owned timeshare, or even vacationed in one—is louder than the majority of owners who are well satisfied with their vacation product.
At VacationOwnership.com LLC (formerly SellMyTimeshareNOW and Timeshare Broker Services), we are working to expand our social media outreach, to improve our sites and to expand our presence. And although we do build new relationships, provide information, make timeshare sales, and rent properties via social media, we want to do more to engage in more conversations and hear more feedback from timeshare owners, buyers, and renters…
We’re on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/SellMyTimeshareNOW and Twitter at @vacationhotdeal.
Talk to us… when the word on the street comes only from the critics and complainers, the timeshare you own and love is devalued by the negative messaging.