Interval International Timeshare Exchange Makes it Easier to See Your Next Vacation
Friday, May 11, 2012
Last month, Interval International timeshare exchange and vacation services provider launched Interval HD, an online video channel featuring some 50 timeshare vacation destination and resort videos.
Available to Interval International members, this dynamic vacation planning tool makes it easier than ever for II members to visualize vacation settings, understand the types of accommodations available at each resort, and make their vacation planning decisions.
Interval International Timeshare Destinations
Interval HD videos currently include Interval International resort destinations in Cancun, Orlando, and Las Vegas—some of timeshare’s most popular vacation venues. Each video is one to three minutes in length and is available through the Interval International member landing page of Interval’s website. Members can choose the destination overviews the wish to see or view the Resort Directory for an overview. By year end, Interval International timeshare exchange plans to have added at least an additional 30 videos to the collection.
Interval’s Senior Vice President of Consumer Marketing, Sharon Freed, explains, “We’ve created this enhanced content to assist our members in making vacation plans when using any of our programs. But we also feel it will help resort clients using multimedia presentations at their sales tables to bring to life the benefits of exchanging to a broad range of locations.”
As Interval understands, “When making their vacation plans, Interval members want as much information about the resort and destination as they can find.” And why not? Vacation time is precious and hard to come by for most busy families.
You want your vacation days to be the best they can possibly be and suit the way you and your family like to vacation. Knowing more details, having them readily available to you via quality, high definition video, makes that easier.
Interval International calls this taking information access to the next level. Clearly it’s one more effort by Interval to make your vacation ownership experience the best it can possibly be.