Important Grand Solmar Timeshare Cancellation Information
Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Through a recent press release, the Grand Solmar timeshare group has made a point to remind owners of their reservation cancellation policies. This release was prompted by many questions from their member services department over the past few months.
If you are not familiar with Grand Solmar member services, the department was created to help timeshare owners with reservations, vacation planning, and on-site assistance. They can also help you to schedule activities and amenities reservations during your stay.
While many owners decide to visit the same time every year, the Grand Solmar understands that sometimes you may need to reschedule your annual vacation. The Grand Solmar offers a simple cancellation process, that can be as easy as making a phone call.
If maintenance fees are paid in full, you have the option to cancel your reservation or move your trip to another date. All you need to do is call or email the member services department and let them know. Please note that when re-booking travel dates, availability will depend on your membership level and current reservations.
Grand Solmar offers both platinum and fixed week timeshare packages. Fixed interval members will typically travel the same time every year, while platinum members have the option to travel during different intervals. When it comes to rescheduling, platinum members simply need to call or email member services and select a new week. Fixed week members can also reschedule their set week, but it will cost them a small fee.
For both types of memberships, canceling your vacation is as easy as placing a phone call to member services.
For more information about rescheduling reservations, visit