Update on Timeshare Resort in Fiji
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Things are not going well as pro golfer Vijay Singh backs out of timeshare project in his native Fiji.
On April 14, I reported on a bad situation at the Natadola Marina Resort and Timeshare in Fiji, where construction has slowed (or perhaps stopped) because of several problems. I promised to keep you apprised as news about the luxury resort and timeshare development became available, so here’s an update:
On April 18, PGA superstar, Vijay Singh, a native of Fiji, cancelled his design contract for a championship golf course at the resort and timeshare. Singh’s management firm, IMG, quoted him as saying, “…great disappointment for me as my dream is now altogether gone to provide this masterpiece for the people of Fiji.”
What will happen next is unclear. The project was originally planned for 275 hotel rooms, an ocean-side golf course, a timeshare resort, convention center, marina, and residential villas. Singh’s role was to help draw international attention to the beautiful location on Natadola Beach and to specifically develop a golf course and golf school at the site. Reportedly, Singh has already devoted 7 years to the project.
If you are interested in learning more about timeshare resales that are currently available in Fiji, visit the Sell My Timeshare NOW website. And as more news becomes available on the Natadola Marina Resort and Timeshare , I will continue to keep you informed.