Residential, Commercial and Timeshare Real Estate Professionals Serve
Sunday, May 5, 2013

News from the Berkley Association of REALTORS® exemplifies how timeshare real estate, commercial and residential real estate professionals see individual and community need firsthand
Last week the Berkeley Association of REALTORS® released an announcement about its generous contribution to area community groups. Whether the field of expertise is timeshare real estate, commercial, or residential real estate, the licensed, professional brokers within the industry come in contact with people in unique and personal ways. A residential, commercial, or timeshare real estate broker interacts with individuals in times of transition. The purchase or sale of a home, building, or even of timeshare real estate ownership can mark a new beginning in a person’s life and exciting, positive change, a marriage, a new addition to the family, the growth of a business or a family’s commitment to regular vacations as part of their life. But the transaction can also be spurred by a death, divorce, financial challenges, illness, or any number of other traumatic changes.
Commercial, residential, and timeshare real estate professionals work with clients who are dealing with the stress of change; real estate transactions are typically very personal. Often, they are in a position to see where the greatest needs lie in communities, programs, and services. And from this interaction, selfless acts of compassion and service arise, such as the generosity of the Berkeley Association of REALTORS®.
Shared below is the Association’s announcement to the media, regarding its recent donation. Praise to this group of industry professionals for their awareness, commitment, and caring.
Berkeley Association of REALTORS® Contribute $30,010 to 32 Area Community Groups
Berkeley, CA – April 25, 2013 – On Wednesday, April 24, 2013 the Berkeley Association of REALTORS® (BAR) awarded grants totaling $30,010 to thirty-two (32) area community groups during a gala reception at the BAR.
BAR has administered a Grant Program for their Youth Arts & Education Fund and the Workforce Housing & Homeless Fund since 2006. The dollars are generated through various programs including direct contributions by REALTOR® Members and Affiliates as well as numerous BAR fund-raising events.
BAR President Anita Thede noted that, “We award grants to under-funded and developing programs that support youth in the communities served by our REALTOR® Members and related real estate professionals. Our Grant Program also supports organizations that provide direct assistance to the homeless and their advocates as well as organizations that provide affordable housing within our communities. As REALTORS® and real estate professionals it is important that we reinvest in the diverse communities that we serve.”
- From the Workforce Housing & Homeless Fund seven (7) grants were awarded to:
- Rebuilding Together – Funding for materials for National Rebuilding Day
- Berkeley Food & Housing Project – Funding for their Meals Program
- BOSS Building Opportunities for Self-Sufficiency – Funding for their Children’s Learning Center
- MISSEY – Funding for Case Management services at-risk, sexually exploited girls
- Options Recovery Services – Funding to renovate the Women’s Residence Home
- YES!-Youth Enrichment Strategies – Funding for Summer Camp for low-income youth
- Women’s Daytime Drop-In Center – Funding for Housing Case Management Staffing
From the Youth Arts & Education Fund twenty-five (25) grants were awarded to:
- Youth Spirit Artworks – Funding for a mosaic sign at Malcolm X Elementary School
- Berkeley Symphony – Music in Schools Program
- Pegasus Project – Marine Environment/Education Voyages
- St. Mary’s College High School – Funding for the purchase of Clear Com Communications System for the Performing Arts Program
- Berkeley Ballet Theatre – Funding for Outreach Performances for school children
- Community Alliance for Learning – Funding for Writer Coach Connection Program
- Rosa Parks Elementary School PTA– Funding for Green Schoolyard Program
- Aurora Theatre – Funding for the Student Education Program
- Victory Garden Foundation – Funding for Climate Solutions Summer Program for Berkeley High School Students
- Berkeley Arts Magnet – Funding for Funnel Ball Game for the Kindergarten yard.
- Thousand Oaks Elementary School PTA – Funding for Character Development Through Song Program
- Studio Ephemera – Funding for High School Art Class Workshop
- Berkeley Public Education Foundation – Funding for Scholarships for “Jumpstart at the Cazedero” music program
- Community Resource for Science – Funding for Science Superstar Challenge Program
- Bridges Academy at Melrose (Oakland Unified School District)- Funding for Physical Education Program
- St. Martin de Porres School – Violins for 5-year old students
- Oakland Leaf Foundation – Funding for Creative education for community youth & families
- Nia House Learning Center – Funding for New chairs in the Preschool
- Lincoln Child Center – Funding for Program to expose urban youth to No. Cal. Aquaculture
- Kensington Education Foundation – Funding for Band Program
- The Berkeley Project – Funding for Community service projects for local elementary & middle schools
- Green Branch – Funding for the Bookmobile
- Kala Art Institute – Funding for the MLK Jr Elementary School Mural Project in Oakland
- Berkeley Repertory Theatre – Funding for Art education & Outreach Programs
- Sponsored by Councilmember Darryl Moore’s Office – Funding for customized student backpacks for Rosa Parks Elementary School
Also recognized during the event were real estate offices that make a total commitment to the Community Funds, boasting 100% Agent Participation by contributing at the close of every escrow.
Recognized for their participation in the Community Funds 100% Club were:
- Pacific Union International
- Berkeley Hills Realty
- Thornwall Properties, Inc.
- Northbrae Properties
- Daniel Winkler & Associates
- McGuire Real Estate Berkeley
- Marvin Gardens Real Estate Solano Office
The Youth Arts & Education Fund and the Workforce Housing & Homeless Fund are 501C3 organizations administered by the Berkeley Association of REALTORS®. Since 2006 BAR has contributed a total of $173,710 in grants to organizations who make the communities they serve a better place.
The Berkeley Association of REALTORS® (BAR) is a trade organization offering educational services, professional support and political advocacy for its 700 REALTOR® and Affiliate Members since 1902.