Baby Boomer Women Could Drive Boom in Timeshare Sales
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Boomer women, that’s females born between the years 1946 and 1964, have become a dominating force in the US economy. Today’s midlife female directs 80 percent of consumer spending, according to the research of Mary Brown and Carol Orsborn, Ph.D., in their new book, simply titled, “BOOM”.
While some people may think that middle-age individuals and timeshare vacation properties are both out-of-date and passed their prime, that assumption could not be further from the truth. Today’s boomer woman represents the generation who has seen more change in the roles and opportunities of women than any previous age group. They are the best-educated and highest income earning generation of women ever.
As younger women, many carried protest signs to spark social and political change. Today they are more likely to use petitions, speaking before legislative bodies, and the focused spending power of their dollar to achieve their objectives. They may be older, but they are definitely not taking a back seat to anyone.
Like boomer women, timeshares were just starting out in the 1970’s. They too, have changed and evolved tremendously over the years. Timeshares, as an industry, have “grown up”. They are now carefully regulated in the US. Around the globe, laws to protect timeshare buyers and timeshare owners are improving every year.
Where timeshares were once inflexible and limited to the same week at the same resort, year after year, that too, has changed, affording vacation property owners the chance to pick their leisure time, use it in increments that fit their schedule, and exchange or bank it for other venues and other times. And I don’t have to tell you how much the timeshare industry has gained from the ever-increasing involvement of big hoteliers and chains that brought with them the power of brand recognition and consumer confidence.
But why boomer women and timeshares?
Consider that 67 percent of the wealth in America today is controlled by boomer women and that they have not yet reached their income earning potential. Boomer women also stand to inherit money from their own parents, their spouse who they will statistically outlive, and indirectly from their in-laws. Just as importantly, boomer women represent a demographic with a proven commitment to carving out time for well-earned vacations and time spent with family and friends. With those facts in mind, it isn’t hard to imagine that boomer women potentially could take sales over the top for the already-booming industries of timeshares and vacation property ownership.
Here’s a You-Tube trip down memory lane for all the Baby Boomers.