ARDA Convention for the Timeshare Industry-Will I See You There?
Friday, March 27, 2009
Heading out this week to the American Resort Development Association Conference (ARDA) in Orlando, Florida – officially known as the ARDA 2009 Convention and Exposition.
The ARDA Convention is always an excellent time; it is the premier event in the US for the timeshare industry and all who serve or support the timeshare industry.
For exhibitors, the ARDA Convention means access to almost 2,500 decision makers from over 40 countries, representing the largest concentration of timeshare industry purchasing power assembled this year. For all who attend, the ARDA Convention and Exposition offers the opportunity to hear from experts in sales, marketing, finance, technology, and resort management; it also provides a phenomenal networking atmosphere at the related social events.
What’s Coming Up First at the ARDA Timeshare Convention
On Saturday, March 28, activities start to get underway with the ARDA Supplier Certification Seminar and set-up time for the exhibitors.
Sunday, March 29 means tee time, with the Group RCI/AIF Open Golf Tournament and later that day, the Group RCI/AIF Kick-Off Party. The golf tournament will be on the beautiful Hawk’s Landing Golf Course.
The real meat and potatoes of the convention begins next Monday and several members of the Sell My Timeshare NOW team and I will be at the ARDA Convention. Throughout the next week, I will be posting blogs here on The Timeshare Authority, and hopefully some interviews, too. I will fill you in more on the Keynote Speaker, Dr. Jeffrey Rosensweig; on the daily events; the educational sessions; and the committees.
So keep checking in, as we share with you our experiences in Orlando during the next few days.