3 Myths about Timeshares and Timeshare Resales that Must Be Debunked

Myth #1. Timeshare is a financial investment.

How can this myth still exist? Timeshare is NOT a financial investment; it is a vacation choice. In an age when your personal home may or may not still be an asset, how can anyone think that buying timeshare will guarantee a return upon resell? Not only do timeshare sales people misrepresent the truth if they claim, “… timeshare is an investment,” they also break the law in some states regarding what one can market as an investment. The only time the words “timeshare” and “investment” should appear in the same sentence is when pointing out that regular vacationing is an investment in your good health and that many timeshare owners find planning, scheduling and committing to regular vacations to be easier because they chose to buy timeshare.

Myth #2. Timeshare is worthless on the resale market.

Many of the people who expound this as fact do so because they did not advertise their timeshare resale in the right places and they had trouble selling it. Other people who propagate this myth do so because they want to buy your timeshare from you at lower than rock bottom prices (so they can then resell it for a profit). They try to convince you that they are rescuing you in the process. When it comes to selling timeshare, you don’t need relief, respite, or rescue; you need resale.

No one can guarantee you that your timeshare will sell, but every day around the world, timeshare resales are purchased. Your opportunity to sell your timeshare increases when you choose to advertise it in a large, established marketplace.

Myth #3. If a company charges you to advertise your timeshare resale, the company is unethical.

How are you going to sell timeshare if you don’t advertise it? Yes, there are websites that permit you to advertise your timeshare resale at no charge. How effective are they? Who visits these freebie websites besides other people who have timeshares they want to resell?

Most people are familiar with websites or local print publications that permit you to advertise a timeshare, a used car, a snow blower, or perhaps a wedding dress and they charge you nothing to run the ads. These sites are fine if you think you can find a buyer for that snow blower in your community. But how well does this work for timeshare resales, when what you really need is advertising to a global marketplace of buyers in a medium, such as a well crafted internet website that has been purpose built and is maintained with strategy and deliberation in order to attract the largest possible audience of interested potential buyers?

Timeshare Myth Buster

Here are some timeshare facts you can rely on:

Buy timeshare as a timeshare resale and you are already ahead of the game. You will have spent less money from the onset, and you will have less to worry about when you get ready to resell. Buying timeshare resales offers you the luxury and amenities of timeshare vacations without tying up as much of your hard-earned cash or your credit line.

When you get ready to sell your timeshare, try low hanging fruit first and ask your friends, co-workers, family, and neighbors if they would like to buy your timeshare. But if that doesn’t work, pick a timeshare resale and timeshare rental advertising company that can demonstrate its skill in advertising timeshare resales to a worldwide market of targeted buyers.

Here’s a really fun video of the Discovery Channel’s MythBusters blasting Adam with 20,000 paintballs at YouTube Live.