Is it Raining Iguanas at Your Florida Timeshare?
Friday, January 8, 2010

Great green (or sometimes orange) lizards are literally dropping out of the trees all over south Florida this week, meaning it could be “raining iguanas” at your Florida timeshare. The unusually cold weather that has impacted most of the US recently has even reached far into the state of Florida. In the Orlando area, citrus growers struggle to protect their crops while fern farms panic over a freeze so close to Valentine’s Day, when fern sales (added to rose bouquets) are at their yearly peak.
But slightly further south, the cold temperatures have create a very different kind of problem. From Ft. Lauderdale to Miami Beach, Boca Raton to Naples, iguanas are falling into a state of dormancy. Their bodies do not tolerate temperatures in the 40’s. The hibernation state seems to creep up on them, sometimes as they crawl from warmer waterways onto colder land, but often while they are sleeping in the trees and tropical plants. The result is a “rainfall” of comatose iguanas, dropping on to golf courses, bike paths, jogging trails and other areas typically lined with trees.
Animal lovers (and reptile lovers) need not panic. Unless injured in the fall, the brightly colored iguanas simply snooze wherever they land until the temperatures rise and their bodies become active again.
In the meantime, at beautiful South Florida timeshares, such as Marriott’s Villas at Doral and other Miami timeshare resorts, slumbering iguanas provide added interest for vacationers and timeshare owners who think overnight lows in the 40’s are not nearly as uncomfortable as the subzero temperatures they left behind.