Reminder to Timeshare Owners: NTOA Meeting in Baltimore

Here’s a reminder to all timeshare owners that the next National Timeshare Owners Association Educational Conference is right around the corner. The NTOA will be meeting in Baltimore, Maryland on Sunday, April 11.

So far this year, the NTOA has met in Orlando, Florida, and in Orange County, California with a full house of timeshare owners in attendance. While these meetings are certainly a great time for timeshare owners in the geographic area to meet and ask questions of industry experts, the meetings often draw wide-ranging attendance. For the January meeting in Orlando, Canada timeshare owners, California timeshare owners, and timeshare owners from Missouri and Utah were on hand.

When the NTOA meets, questions get answered, timeshare owners learn how to better benefit from their timeshares, and new information and ideas about vacation ownership are exchanged. To attend the informative meetings you must be a member of NTOA, but membership in the National Timeshare Owners Association comes with many worthwhile benefits.

Here’s a direct link to the NTOA membership application:

We can’t say enough about an association that stands for the rights of timeshare owners and works diligently to help its members get the most out of their vacation ownership product.

To learn more about the NTOA, contact Ed Hastry at [email protected] or call 410-536-0064