Canadian Timeshare, Canadian Tourism, and a Give-and-Take Economy
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
One of The Timeshare Authority blogroll’s favorite blogs is a part-English, part-French blog, written by Jaime Horwitz. The blog, known as, “Canadian Tourism,” fills an interesting niche, providing excellent insight on traveling, vacationing, and tourism in Canada.
A Canada vacation—or better still a Canada timeshare vacation—affords you the opportunity to enjoy the majesty of the Canadian Rockies or the historic charm of Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island. In addition to timeless tourist favorites such as Niagara Falls, the Stratford Festival of Ontario, and the Calgary Stampede Rodeo, Canada is home to outstanding golf courses, festivals, and trendy metropolitan areas known for their museums, restaurants, shopping, and entertainment.
Rebuilding Economy and Growing Interest in Canada Timeshares
Over the years, Canadian and US vacationers have often crossed borders and the two economies are closely tied together. However, Canadians are taking pride that their banks are perhaps “better managed” than those of other countries. They are seeing their country as making a faster recovery in the current economic crisis than the recovery of many other nations, including the US. If this is so, then it is good news for Americans looking to resell timeshare, as it may open the gates to greater numbers of Canadians buying timeshare resales than in the past.
The most desirable outcome is that both the US and the Canadian economy rebound and then remain strong. But if either lags behind the other, look to cross-border tourism as one of the avenues that will help the other catch up faster.
A Canada timeshare resale or Canada timeshare rental provides an easy and enjoyable way to experience the beauty, cultural heritage, winter sports, and vast, natural terrain that is Canada. And when the balance is shifted, the Canadian vacationer and timeshare buyer is a welcomed boost to the US economy and timeshare sales, resales, and rentals.