Orlando Timeshares and a Headcount of 51 Million Tourists

Which US city was first to have 50 million tourists in a single year?

That would be Orlando, Florida with a record setting 51.4 million visitors in 2010.

Forget the struggling economy, last year’s tourism to this sunny vacation spot saw a 10.9 percent gain over the previous year. Orlando’s mayor calls it, “… great news to lead the entire nation.”

What Do 51 Million Tourists Mean for Orlando Timeshare?

51 million Orlando tourists is good news for timeshares.If you are familiar with timeshare destinations, then you may already know that there are more timeshare resorts and more timeshare units in Orlando than in any other location in the world. If you are a prospective buyer, this means a competitive timeshare resale market with lots of choices. But if you are trying to resell your Orlando timeshare, 51 million vacationers is also a game changer.

The large number of Orlando timeshares does not necessarily indicate a glut or overabundance of vacation ownership properties. While not every Orlando timeshare is an easy sale, vibrant tourism in Orlando means that there is, and will continue to be, a demand for Orlando timeshare resales and Orlando timeshare rentals.

Consider these reasons that Orlando stays at the top of the list when it comes to favorite destination resorts:

  • Orlando theme parks cater to visitors of all ages and continually refresh their offerings with new rides, shows, and attractions. Families take repeated vacations in Orlando enjoying different experiences as their children go from pre-schoolers, to junior high, to teens and young adults.
  • Orlando is invested in tourism. If the number of visitors threatens to dip, civic and business leaders respond proactively to ensure their city remains a top tourist destination.
  • Orlando is as invested in its convention business as it is in it’s family vacationers. Orlando is both the number one city to which convention visitors bring their families along and the number one city for booking extra days before or after business commitments.
  • Located in the center of the state, Orlando is rarely at risk from hurricane damage in the same way coastal communities may be. At the same time, it’s approximately an hour’s drive to either coast, meaning it is easy to incorporate beach time into your inland Orlando vacation plans. With typically mild winters, and lots of sunshine, the reason Orlando remains a popular destination is often simply a matter of: location, location, location!