Hurricane Irene and Your Timeshare Vacation
Friday, August 26, 2011
Find Hurricane Irene updates here: National Hurricane Center
In a summer marked by economic ups and downs, getting away on vacation this year hasn’t been easy for many people. So if your vacation included this week or this weekend in the Caribbean or along the eastern seaboard, you are no doubt concerned (or maybe backing out all together) because of Hurricane Irene.

As much as we all look forward to vacation time, don’t put your own or your family’s safety at risk. If you are told to evacuate an area, or even just urged to evacuate, do it. Hurricanes are fraught with uncertainties, and your interests are always best served by erring on the side of conservative action.
Your Timeshare, After the Storm
If you have a timeshare vacation scheduled in the days or weeks after an area has been hit by a hurricane, don’t assume that because the storm is gone, everything is back to normal. Call before you make your trip.
Even if your property is safe, inconveniences such as downed power lines, lack of safe drinking water, or closed roads in the area of your timeshare can make your trip unpleasant. Also, some properties may be accessed for local use as an emergency shelter and not available to timeshare guests and timeshare owners. Two phone calls on your part can answer a lot of questions; make one call to your resort and one call to the area Chamber of Commerce, Red Cross, or even the local Sheriff’s Department. Ask if roads are open and travel is safe.
Timeshare Hurricane Policies
Hurricane policies vary from one timeshare resort to another and may even vary somewhat based on individual circumstances. Check with your timeshare management company or the resort itself to answer any questions you may have about changes to your timeshare vacation plans because of a natural disaster.
Most timeshare resorts work hard to accommodate their member/owners during and after a weather disaster. Resorts will typically help you in all the ways they can. Assume that if the resort could possibly be open, it would be. After all, they want you to get your vacation time in as much as you do. But remember, inasmuch as the storm is not your fault, it is not the fault of the timeshare resort either. Don’t expect the resort to cover your out of pocket expenses for air travel and other related vacation costs, that is what travel and vacation insurance is for.
Below is an example of one timeshare company’s hurricane policy: the Disney Vacation Club.
Disney Vacation Club Hurricane Policy Statement
From June 1 to November 30, 2011, in the event a hurricane warning is issued by the National Hurricane Center for the Orlando area, Vero Beach area, Hilton Head Island or for the Member’s place of residence within 7 days before the scheduled arrival date, the Member may call Member Services prior to check-in to cancel or reschedule, based upon availability, their Disney Vacation Club Resort reservation without any cancellation or modification penalty.
Note: This policy pertains to hurricane warnings only. Other weather advisory levels are handled on a case-by-case basis and Members should contact Member Services.
Q & A about Disney Timeshare Hurricane Policy
Q. When does this temporary policy become effective?
A. The temporary policy is effective in the event a hurricane warning is issued by the National Hurricane Center no more than 7 days before your scheduled arrival date for the Orlando area, Vero Beach area, Hilton Head Island or for the Member’s place of residence.
Q. What can I do if a hurricane warning is issued?
A. If a hurricane warning is issued by the National Hurricane Center for the Orlando area, Vero Beach area, Hilton Head Island or for the Member’s place of residence no more than 7 days before your scheduled arrival date, you may call Member Services in advance to modify, based on availability, or cancel your Disney Vacation Club Resort reservation without any cancellation or modification penalty.
If you are to be staying on a Member Getaway and a hurricane warning is issued for that destination, please contact Member Services.
Q. Will I be responsible for any cancellation or modification penalties or other amounts?
A. If you have products and services provided by third party suppliers that were not obtained through Member Services, such as airlines, hotels, car rental agencies or vacation insurance companies, you will continue to be responsible for any non-refundable payments, as well as cancellation penalties or change fees assessed by those suppliers. The policy does not apply to certain special events or dining experiences (e.g. Member cruise).
Q. What if I prefer to reschedule my vacation to a different date because of a hurricane warning? Will I be able to get my same accommodations?
A. If you are scheduled to arrive within seven (7) days of the hurricane warning, you may call Member Services prior to check-in to reschedule, based upon availability, without penalty. We cannot guarantee availability of similar accommodations for the new travel dates. The policy does not apply to certain special events and dining experiences.