Timeshare Job Search and Careers

With jobs and the economy remaining a personal issue for many and a global issue for all, the strength and stability of a timeshare job, or jobs in the fractional and vacation ownership sectors is a subject of importance. In terms of employment, travel and tourism is the second largest job creator in the US (education tops the list), directly employing 98 million people in 2011. According to the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC), counting both indirect and induced employment in travel and tourism, the field sustained 255 million jobs in 2011, which is 1 in 12 of all jobs in the world.

Preparing for a Vacation Ownership or Timeshare Job

When timeshares were just getting started in the United States, more than 40 years ago, there were no college programs that specifically addressed the timeshare business or that prepared you for a timeshare job. The founders of the industry came into timeshares with training in business, marketing, and a variety of hospitality industry backgrounds.

Today’s young candidate for a timeshare job may enter the industry with the same types of skills and training or may be a graduate of one of the many excellent higher education programs in hospitality management that includes specific coursework to prepare him or her for a successful career in timeshare sales, management, marketing or other aspect of our industry.

Among the many universities offering top hospitality management programs to prepare you for a timeshare job are:

And while we are on the topic of jobs in timeshare sector, this is an appropriate time to mention Executive Quest Inc., a leading timeshare industry job search provider. It’s time for Executive Quest, Inc.’s Salary Study for 2012. Your participation in this confidential salary study provides valuable information for profiling careers in the timeshare, fractional, and vacation ownership industries. Find out more here:  Executive Quest Salary Study or contact Keith Trowbridge here: [email protected]