and Timeshare Closing Services Join ARDA in Commending FL Timeshare Legislation
Monday, June 17, 2013, along with Timeshare Closing Services, and all the Vacation Ownership companies, join the American Resort Development Association (ARDA) and the ARDA Resort Owners’ Coalition (ARDA-ROC) in commending the actions of Florida Governor Rick Scott and the Florida Legislature. With Governor Scott’s signature, House Bill 7025 becomes law, effecting a new level of consumer protection for timeshare owners transferring the title (their ownership) of their timeshare points or interval.
Florida House Bill 7025 also should establish an additional level of help for homeowners’ associations (HOAs) in that it will further reduce the time and cost of timeshare lien foreclosure process. The amendments in HB7025 go into effect on July 1, 2013.
Howard Nusbaum, president and CEO of ARDA, says, “This legislation gives consumers more power in the transfer process. This legislation demonstrates a continuing commitment to make the timeshare transfer process more efficient for consumers and the industry. We would like to thank all of those who assisted the process, including Timeshare Closing Services, who provided valuable insight into the resale and transfer process.”
Conversations between Howard Nusbaum; Jason Gamel, ARDA’s Vice President of State Government Affairs; Scott Roberts, CEO of Vacation Innovations, and me, were much appreciated and hopefully lay important groundwork for inspiring changes in the way the timeshare industry works with timeshare resales companies and the manifest need of owners to sell timeshares.
Ken McKelvey, chairman of ARDA-ROC, adds, “With this enactment of reasonable regulation of transfer companies in Florida, timeshare owners and associations will now have additional security in the transfer process. Owners will also be able to get information about their timeshares that will assist them in selling or renting them. Also, this bill fine-tunes the foreclosure process and streamlines the election process for members of the HOA boards of directors.”