Hosts Annual Holiday Food Drive
Monday, November 25, 2013
Throughout November, the offices of are encouraging employees to donate non-perishable food items to the company’s annual food drive. Non-perishable items such as vegetables will be collected in both their Orlando and New Hampshire offices.
Proceeds from the Orlando office will be donated the Second Harvest Food Bank of Central Florida. Collected items from the New Hampshire office will be given to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul in Laconia, NH. Each location chose organizations in which they would be able to help local families.
To encourage some friendly competition, the two offices have each set a goal to reach 500 pounds of food. This goal of 1000 pounds is considerably higher than last year’s grand total of over 700 pounds. The Orlando and New Hampshire offices will work to see who will collect the most donations. and its employees are excited to participate in the food drive and hope that they can work together to surpass this goal.
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