Grand Holidays Becomes TATOC Platinum Affiliate


The Timeshare Association Timeshare Owners and Committees, known as TATOC, is a non-profit organization run “by timeshare owners for timeshare owners,” since it was formed in 1989. Today, TATOC is the largest consumer association for timeshare owners in Europe with over 90 resort members throughout Europe representing thousands of timeshare families.

This week, TATOC announced a new Platinum Affiliate, Grand Holidays Club. Based in Tenerife, Canary Islands, Grand Holidays consists of three resorts with over 6,000 members.

Harry Taylor, TATOC’s Executive Chairman said:

“In order to protect timeshare owners it is important we have a strong and legitimate industry providing the quality holidays consumers have purchased. TATOC’s affiliation programme recognises such companies, so I was delighted when Grand Holidays Club applied, and was subsequently approved, for affiliation. We look forward to working with them.”

Resorts become TATOC members by filling out an application form, paying a fee and being subjected to review by TATOC’s Board Members to ensure the resort aligns with TATOC’s mission. All TATOC-affiliated businesses must comply with the Association’s strict Code of Conduct and are regularly monitored to ensure they provide the highest standards of customer service and comply with all legislation.

Visit their websites to learn more about Grand Holidays Club or TATOC.