
U.S. Timeshare Industry Sees Eighth Straight Year of Growth

For the eighth year in a row, the United States timeshare industry has seen growth. This study and information is from the State of the Vacation Timeshare Industry: United States Study 2018 Edition, and is conducted by EY for the ARDA International Foundation (AID). In 2017, sales volume increased nearly four percent to $9.6 billion. Average occupancy rate was over 81 percent as well.

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timeshare industry

Timeshare Industry Continues To Grow Annually

According to the ARDA International Foundation (AIF) in their 2016 U.S. Shared Vacation Ownership Consolidated Owners Report from, the timeshare industry maintains a healthy existence. The report shows owners becoming increasingly engaged with their timeshares, with about 9.2 million households in America currently owning a timeshare with an average length of ownership being nine years.

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Timeshare Industry Contributes $79.5 Billion to U.S. Economy in 2015

The ARDA International Foundation (AIF) recently announced that the U.S. timeshare industry contributed more than $79.5 billion in consumer and business spending to the American economy in 2015. Those numbers also include more than 500,000 jobs and $28.1 billion in salaries and wages. [Read more…]