Timeshare Accommodations Questioned on Government Expense Reports
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
The TimesLeader.com reported last week about some Luzerne County, Pennsylvania officials who were questioned when the word “timeshare” appeared on their government-issued debit card statements.
No, the officials explained, they were not taking timeshare resort holidays. Instead, they were simply spending the taxpayers’ dollars carefully by staying at the Manhattan Club timeshare when they were in New York City on official business.
The timeshare rental, according to the article, appeared as a charge of $208.44 per night (a government rate) and was deemed more affordable than other hotels in the area. According to the officials involved, the trips to New York City included meetings with New York City police personnel in order to learn improved crime-fighting techniques centering around a police records management system that Luzerne County is currently implementing.
The Manhattan Club timeshare was recommended to the Pennsylvania government officials because it offers affordable accommodations in New York City. The article also went on to point out that, some business travel of the county’s officials was paid for through money confiscated in criminal investigations and arrests.
Timeshare rental can be an incredibly affordable travel lodging solution, and it doesn’t matter if you are trying to save tax payer dollars or your own. To learn more about timeshare resale and timeshare rental, visit Sell My Timeshare NOW. In a tight-dollar economy, timeshares make more sense than ever.
Here’s an interesting YouTube video, as unicyclists take to the city streets of Manhattan. Be sure you watch it all the way to the end when you will see a bold (and dangerous) way to travel the Long Island Expressway.