Developer Understands that Timeshares Are a Logical Way to Own Vacation Property

In the Lynchburg, Virginia area of Huddleston, a Smith Mountain Lake resort community is making plans for a new waterfront condominium complex.

The Mariner’s Landing Development will construct the new resort, to be known as “Longview at the Pointe”. Plans are to sell the two and three bedroom condo units in four-week intervals, although full ownership options will also be offered.

The Point Is Not Selling Timeshare; It’s Buying Vacation Ownership

Jay White, a marketing consultant whose family owns the resort community, calls it, “…Just another type of ownership at Smith Mountain Lake.”

Good point! The developers didn’t wake up one morning and think: Our business goal is all about selling timeshare.

Instead, they looked at an opportunity (for their business and also for families in need of vacation options), and they considered how they could make vacation property ownership available to more people.

White, in an interview with The Lynchburg News and Advance, called the pricing, “… affordable compard with other offerings at the lake…”

“It’s just another way for people to enjoy the lake and not bankrupt themselves,” said White. “In my mind, the goal is to offer an affordable product someone can buy young and continue to upgrade until they want to retire and get the (vacation) home of their choice.”

Selling Timeshare Probably Started in a Cave

Once upon a time, there were no doubt two cave dwellers who wanted the same rock shelter. In order to accommodate the wishes of both, they decided to share the space, alternate who slept closest to the fire pit, and both contribute by dragging home freshly killed stegosaurus steaks. In every sense of the word, the two were involved in shared ownership, marked by the intervals of whos turn it was to sleep by the fire.

Timeshare shouldn’t be thought of as some suspicious idea, nor should it be viewed as a get-rich-quick plan by anyone in the business. Timeshare is really a very simple concept of shared ownership, enabling people who could never afford the cost and upkeep of sole ownership to still enjoy their little piece of vacation heaven.

Today’s timeshare is an evolved business model that translates to making vacation ownership available to the greatest number of people possible. And every day, through the sale of both new timeshare and of timeshare resales, vacation ownership is happening.

As Jay White so aptly put it in talking about the Smith Mountain Lake property, “This is really becoming a great destination, a great resort, and it needs to be affordable for people to enjoy it. If it’s going to be successful, it’s got to be available to people who can afford $750,000 or $50,000.”

Now let’s throw in the idea of timeshare resale properties, some of which are priced at $5000 or less, and you truly get: Affordable Vacation Ownership.

Follow this link to learn more about Virginia timeshare resales.