Worldwide Timeshare Vacations – Worldwide Christmas Traditions
Friday, December 25, 2009
White Christmas? Snow and mistletoe? Well it all depends on where you are celebrating the holiday this year. Timeshare owners often target the seasonal holidays as some of their favorite weeks for enjoying timeshare vacations and the benefits of timeshare exchange.
Holiday in Your Australian Timeshare
Australian timeshare let you spend Christmas “Down Under”. While Australians enjoy many of the same traditions of European and US Christmas holidays, Australia is a global community with residents from around the world, giving an Australian timeshare holiday an international feel. Some Australians even suggest that Santa gets some special help in Australia from a grungy (but welcomed) fellow called the Swag Man.
Reportedly, Swag Man lives under the Uluru (a famous rock formation in Central Australia), appearing only around Christmas time to lend Santa a hand. In true Outback style, he takes to a four-wheel drive vechicle with his merry dingoes, delivering presents to all.
Your Quebec Timeshare for a Canada Timeshare Christmas
How about celebrating Christmas in Quebec in your Canada timeshare? In the French-speaking communities of Quebec, Christmas celebrations often include Christmas dinner called “Reveillon” which means “waking up”. This is an appropriate name, since the festive meal is typically served at two o’clock in morning after people return from Christmas Midnight Mass. When you plan to holiday in a Quebec timeshare, you are almost guaranteed a white Christmas.
Christmas Comes Early in Your Spain Timeshare
You can begin your Christmas celebration early in your Spain timeshare where the Christmas season officially begins on December 8 with the feast of the Immaculate Conception. Each year, in a ceremony called “los Seises” or the “dance of six,” ten elaborately costumed boys dance in a traditional performance that goes back to the 16th century.
The List of Timeshare Vacation Destinations Goes On and On
Over and over, timeshare owners report that the opportunities of timeshare exchange play an important role in their decision to buy timeshare. While you may be celebrating the holidays this year close to home, it is never too soon to start planning an Adventure Christmas for next year.
With timeshares, timeshare resales, and timeshare rentals available in exciting destinations around the world, your holidays next year could easily become your family’s memory makers of a lifetime.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from all of us at Sell My Timeshare NOW and The Timeshare Authority.